Library Design Book Collection
The following is the list of design resource books that have been added to the library. These will help you with your class projects and your creativity. The collection consists of books explaining typography, layout design, using the "Grid" to create successful layouts, Photoshop creative techniques and many more. Check these books out and enjoy your continuing journey of creative
1. Brand Identity Essentials
100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands
2. Design Elements
A Graphic Style Manual
3. Making and Breaking the Grid
A Graphic Design Layout Workshop
4. Layout Essentials
100 Design principles for using grids
5. The Big Book of Layouts
6. The Best of Brochure Design 12
7. Photoshop Masking & Compositing (2nd Edition)
8. Photoshop Compositing Secrets:
Unlocking the Key to Perfect Selections and Amazing Photoshop Effects for Totally Realistic Composites
9. The Hidden Power of Blend Modes in Adobe Photoshop
10. Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers, Volume 2
11. Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature
(2nd Edition)
12. The Photoshop Workbook:
Professional Retouching and Compositing Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
13. The Hidden Power of Adjustment Layers in Adobe Photoshop
14. Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop: Secrets of Bringing the Impossible to Reality